
An Overview of Healing Stones

Healing Gemstones

Healing Stones have been viewed as gifts from the heavens by every part of the world for thousands of years. 

Their very existence is proof that perfection can come out of chaos as each beautiful crystal is the result of intense and destructive heat and pressure. 

Healing stones become more effective as our understanding of them increases. For example, when you program and cleanse your crystals, their power increases. 

This is because they absorb and transmit energy, just as humans can. And just like us, they can become bogged down with negative energy that gets stuck inside. 

We need to open our chakras and release our stuck energy, and we need to do the same for our crystals in order for them to function properly.

Each healing stone has specific qualities that determine the improvements they can make in our lives.

Having an understanding of the healing properties of crystals allows you to use them appropriately as needed.

The more you learn about healing stones, the more you will understand all the different ways you can use them in your life.

You'll no longer be limited to one or two ways to bring their healing energy into your life, but will instead have numerous ideas that will serve you in different ways. 

What Gives Crystals Their Healing Properties?

Each crystal resonates at a certain frequency due to its composition of vibrating atoms. It is the resonance of those frequencies that encourages healing to take place in the body.

Much of the healing properties of crystals has to do with their ability to work with the vibrations of the chakras to balance the body's energy system, thereby improving physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health all at once. 

How to Choose a Healing Stone

There are several ways to go about choosing a healing stone:

General Health Approach

For general health and well-being, choose a crystal that speaks to you. Browse through our Gemstone Categories and choose one that you feel drawn to based on color, appearance, and healing properties. 

Just as we are all unique, each crystal is unique, and the relationship we have with our crystals is unique as well. Therefore, using your intuition to guide you to the crystal of your choosing is often the best way to go.

Symptom Approach

For specific symptoms, choose a healing stone that has shown to improve those symptoms. 

Simply type your symptom in our search bar at the top of any page on our website, and the healing stones that are known for improving those symptoms will come up.

Life Transformation Approach

For transforming your life, choose a healing stone according to the positive qualities it brings out.

For example, if you type in manifestation in the search bar at the top of any page on our website, the crystals that assist with manifestation will be shown.

At sokogems, we offer a large assortment of high-quality healing stones and crystals in the form of Necklaces , Bracelets, Pendants and much more.. 

Listed below are the Categories of what we have to offer ..

The Zen Energy Gemstones

Zen is a state of feeling relaxed and peaceful. In other words, a meditative calm. Gemstones, crystals, gemstone chips, and beads have been utilized for physical and spiritual healing for thousands of years. Wellness, emotional well-being, mental health, and spiritual healing are all aided by Zen energy gemstones and jewelry. 

Zen Energy gemstones are mineral crystals that are shaped and polished for use in jewelry or other ornaments. The brilliance of some soft minerals makes them ideal for jewelry, even though many gemstones are hard. Gemstone jewelry has the energy and characteristics that can be used for both physical and mental healing.


Wearing such necklaces can relieve strain and bring peace and power to your life. Feel at ease wherever you go. The denim Lapis lazuli, aventurine, tiger eye, rose quartz and many more gemstone necklaces provide a frequency of energy that makes you feel comfortable. 

Scroll through our zen energy necklace catalog to find more such great products! 

Jewelry made from Zen energy helps you become one with the universe. A Zen Energy Necklace allows you to move forward with ease. It allows your body to heal.


You should wear a crystal healing bracelet every day, and not just for rituals to help restore balance to your chakras. The point is that jewelry has numerous uses beyond simply being decorative. A plethora of Zen Energy Bracelets are available at

Black Obsidian Bracelet, Fluorite Chips Bracelet, Red Garnet Bracelet, Angelite Bracelet and several other chakra balancing bracelets are here for your service.

There are numerous factors to consider when choosing a bracelet, such as beads, chips, size, and style. It’s important to make sure you select a bracelet that will complement your outfit and best suit your needs. We have made it easy for you to make a choice by category, intentions, and gemstones. What’s more, if you need help balancing your chakras, wearing one of these lovely bracelets is a quick way to achieve harmony.

 Beads mala: 

As the name suggests, the beads mala is made of 108 beads stranded on a silk knotted mala with a silk tussle. The original meaning of Zen Energy mala Beads is that each bead represents one thought, mantra or prayer. They are used as an aid to help remember something important that we want to focus on during our spiritual practice. Beads mala has been used for centuries by various religions, rosary mala in Christianity, japa mala in Hinduism and Buddhism. These are powerful beads that help you meditate and attain deep peace. Buy what feels good to you. A generous range of Beads mala are available at From precious Amazonite & Rhodonite mala, Red Jasper & Red Garnet mala to beautiful Turquoise mala, Yellow Jade mala, and more are now just a click away. mala beads are perfect for those looking to align their spirit with their physical self. An ancient power that feels modern. A mala brings balance to your busy life by giving you one less thing to worry about.

Freshwater Pearls

Pearl Necklace 

  If you’re new to buying pearl jewelry, it can be hard to know which kind of pearl is right for you. Thus, sokogems comes in handy. We have great quality pearl necklaces to offer. The classic pearl necklace has been around since jewelry first came into fashion, and it’s still going strong today. With a wide variety of styles and types of pearls available to suit every personality, this timeless piece of jewelry can be the perfect finishing touch to any outfit or event. Many people might not realize this, but there are many psychological and physical factors behind pearl jewelry. With their powerful energies and profound resonance with the human body, they are the perfect energy medicine tools. Like other forms of energy medicine, gemstone energy medicine uses the body's inherent healing force to nourish and heal us in multiple ways. We use pearl bracelet length guides to ensure our customers get a good fit for their Purchases. Most of the pearl Necklaces we have are in 16.5″ length and few are longer than this standard length.  

Pearl Bracelets :

Pearl bracelets are a beautiful and classic piece of jewelry that most women have at least one of in their collection. They look great with your business attire, but can also be worn with casual clothing. Many people might not realize this, but there are actually many psychological and physical factors behind pearl jewelry. With their powerful energies and profound resonance with the human body, they are the perfect energy medicine tools. Like other forms of energy medicine, gemstone energy medicine uses the body's inherent healing force to nourish and heal us in multiple ways. We use pearl bracelet length guides to ensure our customers get a good fit for their Purchases. Most of the pearl bracelets we have are 7.5” in length.

Fine Silver Jewelry

There is a story behind every piece of jewelry. The finest silver jewelry can be found in our collection. We handpick each piece of jewelry and design it to give you an elegant look. Every item is created to fit your every occasion and every outfit. Silver jewelry also makes for a perfect gift as it is eternal and will never go out of fashion. 


A pendant to a chain adds an extra sparkle to your appearance. They not only create magic in your appearance, but also symbolize love and happiness.

Browse through our beautiful collections of pendants available and choose the one that'll satisfy your needs.

Earrings :

Earrings have always played a vital role in women's jewelry collection. Whether they are stud earrings or drop ones, each type has its special place in women's wardrobe.

Silver jewelry earrings over the last few years have gained a lot of attention due to its intricate designs and their diverse range. People are more attracted to fine jewelry items for their auspicious and other purposes as well. At sokogems, explore through our exquisite selection of earrings with quality assured and authenticity guaranteed.

Aventurine Silver Earrings

Weight 4.36 g
Dimensions 25 × 10 × 10 mm






Amethyst Silver Earrings

Weight 4.05 g
Dimensions 25 × 8 × 8 mm






Turquoise Silver Earrings

Weight 3.71 g
Dimensions 50 × 8 × 8 mm







Fine silver jewelry is the fashion world's chameleon. Silver can seem classic or modern, bold or subtle, depending on your attire and other accessories. A silver necklace looks effortlessly traditional when worn with a black 1960s-style sheath dress. The identical necklace, on the other hand, offers a modern pop to a vibrant outfit with a lot of vivid colours.

Now just imagine silver jewelry being paired up with healing components like gemstones. How great is that? Have a look at our collection of silver necklaces with gemstones on it. Here at sokogems you will get a wide range of necklaces to choose from, pick just the perfect pair for your outfit. 

So what are you waiting for? Go check out our Fine Silver Necklace Collection!

Keshi Pearl Mix Color Necklace

Weight 26.83 g
Dimensions 469.9 × 9 × 10 mm





Each gemstone has a unique spectrum of energy, and will help you for your betterment, the color of the gemstone will also reveal its intention.

Colors evoke particular emotions and affect our behavior, decision and attitude subliminally. In a matter of seconds, color sends us an instant subconscious message that does not require translation.

Red/ Black Stones  — 

They are used for protection, grounding, releasing fear, removes insecurity and assists with stress management, it helps building passion to a great degree, and they protect you from the aura and power they contain.

Orange/ Tiger eye/ Yellow Stones – 

These gemstones' intention will help you overcome the lack of creativity and luck you feel for, as well as wealth, success, finance, focus, and clarity. 

Blue/Purple/White stones- 

This gemstone color and its intention are great for mental health by helping you to relax, you would feel spiritual, you would experience protection, creativity, inspiration, and you would also feel positive high vibration. 

Green / Pink — 

Colors such as these are often associated with love, happiness, and fertility. Success, wealth, and beauty are also associated with them.

Here are the intentions you can follow through with their color perspective



There's nothing worse than an unfocused mind. Our focus gemstones have a firm grounding effect that helps clear the head when we're feeling foggy. Gemstone jewelries are a beautiful way to bring peace and clarity into your life. You'll find these gemstones especially helpful when those pesky distractions pop up at work or home. Citrine — For mental clarity and to improve memory. Black Tourmaline — A protector stone that shields against negativity. Hematite — Strengthens concentration by blocking out external distractions. Lapis Lazuli — Helps balance emotional states while enhancing spiritual growth. Fluorite- Combats nervousness and anxiety while providing inner peace. Gemstone jewelry that helps maintain concentration and clarity when worn as an earring, necklace, pendant, or bracelet; this means less distractions in life and more productivity at work.

Love and happiness

Crystals are considered as one of the powerful tools to heal, protect or to attract love and money. Each Crystal comes with a different purpose. People since ages have believed crystals and gemstones to be stones of love and happiness. Stones like Amethyst, Rose quartz and many more to name are said to bring abundance of joy and affection to the wearer. Browse through some of our best collections on to entice love and happiness in your life.

Spirituality and faith

Our lives are filled with a variety of obstacles, it sounds like we are riding on an emotional roller coaster with multiple highs and lows. Occasionally, we find ourselves in desperate need of guidance and answers. Use crystals to enhance your spirituality and connect with your intuition. Connect along with your guardian angels and start to feel the divine vibration of the angelic realm. Increase your faith and improve the standard of your emotional well-being. Work together with your crystals and start your spiritual healing journey.


Tap into your intuition with the attractive energy of this stone. Wear amethyst around your neck to extend your intuition.


Filter out and dispel negative energy. allow a deeper reference to your angelic realm. Invite more light into your life by connecting with the energy of this stone.


Let the gentle energy of Angelite dissipate and make a deeper reference to your guardian angels. Place an Angelite stone under your pillow to extend faith and spirituality.

If you wear these gemstones as bracelets or necklaces, carry them in your purse or wallet, or perhaps use them in meditation or rituals to increase the eagerness and creativity in your life. Take a look at the variety of the foremost popular crystals on sokogems, when it involves attracting Spirituality and faith 

Protection and clearing

When you're trying to move forward in life, you can't afford to let other people's negative energy hold you back. That's why powerful protection stones like Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, and Black Onyx are essential for absorbing internal negativity and shielding you from other people's bad energy.Our protective Jewelry is made up of a combination of stones that are known to create a force shield against negative energy. Include our unusual crystal pairing in your collection and allow the black stones [11] serve as a spiritual bodyguard while the throat chakra stones, such as Lapis Lazuli, help you release pent-up emotions. These protection stones provide you with the strength and support you require to face your fears.These protection stones provide you with the strength and support you need to feel safe as you progress spiritually. To have both peace of mind and a secure spirit, hold on to these gemstones for protection. Protection Jewelry is the way to go if you want ongoing access to energy purifying energies.Our crystal Jewelry acts as an energetic bodyguard for the spirit, made with a particular combination of dark stones for protection from evil energy.

Passion and creativity

Citrine, Carnelian, Tiger's Eye, lazuli are many more such powerful gemstones,which you can add to your collection. A stone of joy and abundance, Citrine helps you to interact creatively with the planet. It promotes inner calm. Carnelian protects against “glamours”, envy. Bringing luck to the wearer prevents blood from rushing to the top to precipitate action. Tiger’s Eye symbolizes prosperity and encourages the correct use of power. It balances your needs with those of others, finding solutions. You'll wear these gemstones as bracelets or necklaces, carry them in your purse or wallet, or perhaps use them in meditation or rituals to extend the eagerness and creativity in your life. Take a glance at a number of the foremost popular crystals on sokogems, when it involves attracting Passion and Creativity

Health and wellness

What can crystals do for your health and wellness? Crystals, or gemstones, have long been used to heal the mind-body-spirit connection. Over time, people have found that certain gemstones are particularly effective in supporting healing in specific areas of the body and bringing balance to the emotional and spiritual self as well. Take a look at some of the most popular crystals on sokogems, when it comes to healing health and wellness.

 Wealth and success :

Aventurine, Jade, Malachite and there are many more such powerful gemstones, which you can add to your collection, If you want to attract wealth and success into your life. You can wear these gemstones as bracelets  or necklaces, carry them in your purse or wallet, or even use them in meditation or rituals to attract money and success into your life. Take a look at some of the most popular crystals on sokogems, when it comes to healing wealth and success

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